“The Creator of the universe, of the billions of planets, stars, and galaxies mirrored such a cosmic miracle in our bodies!” our friend shared.
Oh, what wonderful epiphanies we can have through shared conversations with friends!
She continued, “What if we closed our eyes and envisioned our own body like a starry night composed of systems that are designed to exude energy and life? — how could we then ever deny such a cosmic miracle (our body) the inputs and catalysts (food! movement! sleep!) to thrive rather than just survive! Never would we ever imagine asking the stars to dim their shine, and yet we unintentionally dim the bright life within our bodies with the lies of thinness & starving to be small.”
Her view of the body was a dramatic declaration in direct opposition to a body-obsessed world.
It inspired us — and brought back a vivid memory of seeing the Milky Way at night in Kauai, Hawaii when we were staying with our sister and brother-in-law there. He was taking photographs of a meteor shower in the middle of the night and we got up with him to see it ourselves. The Milky Way consumed the sky in layer after layer of delicate stars that we’d never seen before - because the lack of noise from light pollution made it possible to finally SEE. And it glittered with the addition of shooting stars that night.
For years, we had only seen representations of this cosmic wonder in books and pictures, but now, with the luminous beauty of the Milky Way stretching above us beyond our imagination, we were finally seeing its brilliance and grasping its miraculous composition with our own eyes.
It’s like that in our lives.
We’re surrounded with so much noise and visual interference about our bodies that we can’t really see them for the miracles they are. The layers and layers of miraculous detail are lost or drowned out.Â
But what if we could see them again for the miracles they are? Or as our friend described it: “A body with every cell mirroring each star in the night sky, spinning and swirling with its orbits of electrons and the vibration of the breath of life.”
What a picture! Our bodies carry the breath of life.Â
This spoken word below is the result of that memory and conversation. It is written from a Biblical Christian perspective, embracing the awe-inspiring connection between the Creator and His creation, focusing on the sanctity of life and the divine purpose within our bodies.
We hope it uplifts you, inspires you, galvanizes, and changes you to see your body in a whole new light - as the miracle that it is.

Of the billions of stars, countless planets,
and sweeping galaxies,
Mirrored such an infinite miracle within your body!
Every cell, a reflection of stars in the night sky,
Spinning, swirling with the orbits of electrons,
And the shimmering vibration of the very breath of life.
What if we closed our eyes and envisioned,
Our own bodies like a starry night.
Comprised of interwoven systems
divinely designed to exude energy and life?
Our bodies, an infinite expanse,
Filled with celestial hopes and dreams,
But greater still, a divine purpose for life.
In every heartbeat,
every breath we take,
in each step
we tread upon this Earth.
Your innermost being is a reflection of the universe above,
an embodiment of miracles.
So, when the world tries to tell you,
That your light should be dimmed,
Remember, you are a miracle,
A celestial masterpiece of the Creator’s design.
Behold, the very Creator of the cosmos,
with power to speak the Universe into existence.
From the dawn of time, His handiwork revealed,
In billions of planets, stars, and galaxies…
Mirrored that same splendor in you.
Never would we imagine asking the stars above,
To dull their radiance, their eternal love,
And yet, we, unwittingly, dim our light,
As the lies of thinness, they whisper and deceive,
Distorting the beauty, He intended us to believe,
But hark! His word proclaims, we are fearfully made,
In His image, unique and wonderfully displayed.
So, close your eyes and envision the sight,
Of an endless starry night, your body alight,
A celestial canvas, a divine work of art,
A reflection of the Maker’s love woven deep into every heart.
Designed to exude energy and LIFE,
With purpose, with meaning, the opposite of culture’s strife,
How could you ever deny such a infinite miracleÂ
the inputs and catalysts it needs to thrive,
Rather than just survive?
In the sacred sanctuary of flesh and bone,
A temple of the Spirit, you are not alone,
For the Lord, He dwells within,
A sacred truth, a bond that cannot thin.
In this symphony of life, play your part,
Let His light shine through, feel it start,
To speak truth into your mind,
and peace into your soul
That in the dance of creation, you play a unique role,
A cherished child, a treasured soul, a sacred whole.
So, rise and shine, feel His love ignite,
Then turn and illuminate the world with His glorious light,
You are fearfully and wonderfully made,
A divine miracle, in His grace, portrayed.
Embark on a journey, an expedition to vanquish,
The false promises all around us and whispering lies that surround you,
And embrace God's design, where beauty lies true.
To do so makes you dangerous.
In this world, obsessed with perfection and your outer shell.
Oh, how wondrous it is,
this vessel you so briefly possess,
to see it as a divine creation, a masterpiece, nothing less.
In every fiber, every atom, His touch is found,
A sacred evidence of His great love, all around.
In this body-obsessed world, it's easy to forget
That your worth lies not in appearance, but in the soul's duet,
With the Creator, who fashioned you with care,
Unique, cherished, beyond compare.
So, break the chains that seek to confine,
Your mind, your spirit, your soul divine,
And celebrate the freedom, to love who you wereÂ
Created and redeemed to be.
For as you embrace His design with delight,
Your heart soars higher, taking flight,
Growing lighter no longer captive underneath world's shallow, heavy gaze,
You’ll find freedom in His perfect love, rising higher, lighter, in many wondrous ways.
In this sacred journey, stand tall, break the chains that hold you tight,
Embracing His grace, surrendering all, racing toward the lightness
of living free, as He intended you to do.
No longer bound by standards untrue.
So, let's sing His praises, with voices clear,
For His design is perfect, His love so near,
In a body-obsessed world, we'll stand apart,
As living testaments of God's masterpiece of art.
How masterful, you ask?
In the heart, a symphony of beats does play,
A symphony! Each rhythm a reminder,
of God's love on display,
beating onwards without thought all day.
The brain, a marvel of intricate design
that we still cannot understand.
With thoughts and dreams and a purpose that intertwine,
A gift to explore, to learn, to understand, and let shine.Â
And behold, your very bones, a framework so strong,
A testament of resilience, enduring lifelong,
Each one fashioned, with purpose profound,
Yet in His grace, an even stronger foundation is found.
Look into the eyes, windows to the soul,
Where emotions dance, and stories unfold,
In their depths, the closest to a true reflection of the stars above,
A glimpse of eternity, of God's boundless love.
So, honor each part, every sacred role,
For in His image, you are fearfully whole,
The heart, the brain, the bones, and eyes,
A symphony, all with harmonious ties,
They create who you are.
He crafted your being - mind, body, and soul,
With a harmonious bond, a sacred whole.
For in His wisdom, He fashioned it so,
That health arises when all three align and grow.
He crafted this union with love and intent,
To remind us that health isn't ours to create,
but Heaven-sent,
a gift that grows when mind, body, and soul are aligned,
when we embrace His endlesss love and perfect design,
The sacred whole.Â
Our prayer is that this nudges you to further embrace the gift to nurture and care for your sacred whole—mind, body, and soul
Embrace the power of shifting your perspective from self-doubt and the noise of the world to marveling at your miraculous design.
Embrace the journey of honoring God through loving care, finding healing in gratitude, and embracing your worth as a one-of-a-kind miraculous design. You are a reflection of the heavens themselves.
Embrace the sacred whole that you are, and may your life be filled with wholeness and joy.Â

A Journey to Uncover God's Delightful Design for Our Whole Selves and It's Significance For Living Free in a Body Obsessed World
Join us for this 7-part private podcast series as we explore the profound truth of your sacred whole—a powerful union of mind, body, and soul intricately crafted by the hands of the Creator.